Organic Food
What is organic food?

Most people have heard about organic food being healthier and more nutritious but they often wonder what it is and how is it made possible. 


Organic food is the food that adheres to the standard and calibre of organic farming. It is much healthier and finer than conventionally grown produce and is basically a better source of nutrition because of a number of reasons. 


Organic food is exposed to considerably less herbicides and pesticides, all of which are naturally derived unlike the normal farming where chemical pesticides and herbicides are used commonly and frequently.


Organic food is also grown with natural fertilizers like compost and manures instead of synthetic ones produced in factories.


 In case of life stock, the feed used in organic farming is more nutritious, living conditions are top notch and diseases are treated naturally. Unlike factory farming, where animals are grown in bulk quantity without health being the top priority.  


This all is done to prevent any unwanted chemical agents in your food and to provide you natural nourishment so that you get the nutrition you paid for. 


Health benefits of organic food:

Organic food is one of the best options in the market if your top priority is health, quality and complete nourishment. Organic produce comes with a number of health merits and standards that locally produced food can never reach upto.


Organically grown food helps reduce public health risks by providing food that is free from persistent toxins and chemical agents thus being a healthier alternative to local food. Growing evidence shows that organic food is rich in nutrients like Vitamin C, Iron, Magnesium and Phosphorus and free from fertilizer nitrates and pesticide residues. Organic foods also have a significantly higher rate of antioxidants then locally produced food.


Because organically produced food doesn't contain any preservatives, you can always rely on them to be fresh.


Organic livestock are also refrained from any antibiotics or growth hormones to enhance their growth rate nor are they fed any animal by products in their feed. This is why organic meat and milk are healthier, nutritious and a source of higher concentrations of cardiologically important omega-3 fatty acids, when compared to cows raised on conventional farms. 


People also have a lot of queries that they often wonder about, some of which we have answered below.


1. Does Organic food really increase lifespan?

A frequent question posed by people who want to know everything before they make the change from conventional food to organic food. Although organic foods are quite less at risk of pesticides and herbicides, and may have a bit better portion of nutrients, they are not really a miracle. All of the research done about whether organic foods really increase one's lifespan have been quite inconclusive. Although it has been seen that people who have preferred organic foods most of their lives have 15 percent fewer cases of breast cancer and lymphoids. But it is not a hard fact. It's more of a hypothesis, but either way we still can't ignore that it may not significantly increase your lifespan but it definitely does enable you to lead a healthier, better life.


2. Is organic food a good choice for people with allergies?

Organic foods often have more beneficial nutrients, such as antioxidants, than their conventionally-grown counterparts and people with allergies to foods, chemicals, or preservatives often find their symptoms lessen or go away when they eat only organic foods. People sometimes have the misconception that organic food can cause allergens, this is a myth. Organic foods are essentially the same food as the conventional food, just being finer in quality and better for the environment.  So, if you are allergic to, for example, mushrooms or peanuts or some other fruit, and you eat an organic version of it, you will still be allergic to it too. Organic foods may be free of harmful pesticides, but they aren’t free of the proteins that cause allergic reactions. And that's what people fail to understand and sometimes assume that organic foods itself are the cause of their allergies. So if you just avoid those particular foods and fruits, you should be just fine. And for better quality, you might want to choose organic foods.


3. Are organic foods a better choice for seniors?

For a healthy life, a balanced diet is a prime condition. It is crucial for everyone but it's particularly important in the elderly. Many researchers conclude that a nutrient rich diet can decrease the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular problems. It also helps cope with any existing diseases a person might have. For this, organic foods are the perfect choice. With their nutrient rich supply and fresh availability, they are an ideal choice for seniors. A balanced diet full of organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes can also help prevent cognitive decline, and protect your dental, bone and joint health.


Organic foods provide all of these wide variety of foods without the added risk of chemical mutagens or unnecessary preservatives. Organic milk has a higher level of antioxidants, vitamins and omega-3 than standard milk, and the quality of milk is higher because cows are pasture grazed. Organic tomatoes have more antioxidants like kaempferol and quercetin, so they could help to reduce heart disease. Antioxidants can have a greater impact from organic foods compared to non-organic foods. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is good for the heart, is more present in organic animal products because of grass grazing. So you might want to consider organic foods a legit option.


4. Are organic foods more expensive than non organic foods?

Organic foods are more expensive than conventional foods because of their higher demand and limited supply. This is due to increased labour forces and reduced production. Organic foods also require more land because they do not use chemical fertilizers for faster growth. Also, the better living standards for animal welfare are expensive to match. This all causes a hike in the price. But if you are looking for quality and don't fret over the price, organic foods are an ideal option.


5. How can one buy organic food products?

Usually organic foods have a different section in the supermarkets and that might prove to be helpful. However, you must know your labels. Knowing which company is a better provider can increase your chances of knowing that the food you are eating is authentic organic food. You can also check out the organic sign or label, the USDA approval label on your food in America and in United Kingdom approval label by the “Organic certification bodies”. That is a sure sign of your food being organic. If it is a product other then fruits and vegetables, you can check the percentage of organic ingredients utilized to make that food. The basic is the organic certified label will make easy for you to choose organic food products, while you buy online or from local market.


6. What are the organic food standards in the United Kingdom?

In the United Kingdoms, mandatory organic standards and labels exist that confirm the authenticity of the supplied organic products before allowing them to be sold in the market.


In the UK, the European Union (EU) regulations of organic farming are totally administered. In addition, the national Organic Products Regulations 2009 also apply. They cover regulations for the execution of EU legislation in the UK. The skilled authority accountable for the application of EU and UK legislation on organic farming as well as for the approval and surveillance of the private control bodies is DEFRA, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.


Pre-packed organic products supplied in the UK have to be tagged with the EU organic farming logo. For products imported from third countries the use of the EU organic farming logo is voluntary. A mandatory national organic label does not exist.


In the UK, there is no voluntary national label, but several organisations provide their own standards and labels. While the standards of the well established Soil Association have a wider scope than EU legislation on organic farming, the other control bodies largely use EU legislation, with some minor differences. For the UK market, private labels are more important than the EU logo. Consumer polls have indicated that the Soil Association logo has a good consumer recognition, followed by the logo of the Organic Farmers and Growers Ltd (OF&G).


The control and certification process is performed by private control bodies approved by the government. The updated directory of UK organic control bodies is published by the EU.


We hope most of your queries regarding organic foods that arise in your mind usually, will be satisfied.


To concludeorganic foods are actually something you should definitely adopt in your day to day life. They are a commodity that ensure a healthy lifestyle for you, without the constant worry over the quality of your food. Organic foods have got that covered for you. Now it is up to you to select quality over quantity. Because organic foods are definitely what your loved ones deserve.

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